What bad dreams are made of

AH tossed and turned all night with bad dreams. Even after putting her in bed with us, she kicked and whined. It was like watching a puppy when they’re sleeping and they suddenly start barking in their sleep; you wonder what it is they could be dreaming about.

After trying everything to comfort her so she would be quiet so I could get some sleep sleep soundly, she was still stirring. And by stirring, I mean running her feet up my back as though she were climbing stairs.

She was talking in her sleep, so I asked her what was wrong. I hoped that I could figure out what it was she was dreaming about that had her so upset.

I asked her, “Baby, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?”

Her response?

“I can’t do it. I can’t do it all by myselllfff.”

Ah, of course.
Because what’s more troubling to a 3 year than not being able to something by his/her self?

Absolutely nothing.

Happy blogging,

Easy Peasy Garlic Bread Pizza


As Mondays go, today wasn’t half bad. Work was busy but manageable; I felt recharged after the weekend.

At some point today, I realized I had forgotten to thaw anything out for dinner. This either means we eat out (and spent twice as much as we would at the grocery store) or I come up with something quick and easy, stat.

I immediately thought of my mom’s “pizza bread” (as she calls it) and dinner was as good as done.

Here’s what you’ll need:


2 – loaves frozen garlic bread (I use Pepperidge Farm)
1 – pkg (3.5oz) of pepperoni
2 – pkgs mozzarella cheese
Toppings: onion, Roma tomato, bell pepper, black olives, etc.
1 small jar Ragu Chunky tomato sauce (for dipping)

Set your frozen garlic bread out to thaw. Preheat your oven to 400 degrees. Slice your vegetable toppings while the oven preheats. I used tomatoes, bell peppers and onion (Black olives are great, too, but in my mad dash through the grocery store, I forgot them).

Take the thawed out garlic bread and place each half face up on a baking sheet.


Layer your toppings beginning with the pepperoni and then adding your veggies.


The last topping you put on your garlic bread pizza is the cheese. You may not need both packages, but we like it really cheesy so one package isn’t enough for both loaves.


Once that’s done, place your pizza in the oven and bake at 400 degrees for 13-15 minutes or until edges are toasty and cheese is melted. I like ours crispy so I bake it the full 15 minutes.

Remove from the oven and let cool for five minutes before slicing. While the pizza is cooling, heat the tomato sauce for dipping.

Serve with tomato sauce and garnish with Parmesan cheese (optional).



Happy Monday,

20 Questions can make you think

A couple nights ago, I was coloring at the table with AH when I remembered to ask her the list of 20 questions that I had been meaning to ask her since her third birthday (in April). I’ve already lost the 2012 mother of the year award (probably shortly after the new year began), so, why not fess up to yet another thing I’ve been meaning to do but never manage to remember?

Another confession? This wasn’t my idea but a rather clever notion I found on Pinterest. Shocking, I know. Not that I found the idea on Pinterest, but that I actually completed something I found on Pinterest.

When I sat down, tablet in hand, ready to pen her answers, I didn’t expect complex responses. Some of the questions I already knew the answer to.

-What is your favorite song?
The Spresh Beat Band (The Fresh Beat Band, they were also named fave TV show)
-What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?

Some of the questions I asked thinking I already knew the answer and was surprised when she said something different than what I expected.

-What is your favorite color?
blue (I’ve asked her many times but this is the first I’ve gotten this for an answer)
-What is your favorite book?
Bony Legs (she’s been hooked on “I Spy” books for weeks)

Some of the answers made me proud.

-What is your favorite holiday?
God! (So proud she knows holidays like Christmas and Easter are about God)
-What is your favorite game?
Letters (I work with her on her letters, numbers, etc. I love that she’s eager to learn.)

But it was the very last question that got me. I hadn’t expected her to give the answer that she did.

I asked her…
-What do you want to be when you grow up to be big?

She looked at me and answered, without hesitation, You.

My first thought was, “That’s so sweet.”

My second thought was, “Oh, no pressure. She just wants to be you when you grow up. No biggie. Except the fact that you have to work more than you get to stay home and be ‘Mom’, you forget things sometimes, you race around like a crazy person trying to get everything done, you don’t have the best patience and you may have uttered the word ‘dammit’ around her once or twice. Probably twice. Crap!”

I had to take a minute and get some perspective. I mean, I can’t be totally screwing this up, right?

That last question is a reminder of how much I’m being watched at all times.

I hope I can always keep that in the back of my mind as motivation to be better for all three of my kids. A better mother. A better wife. A better human being.

I am teaching her by example, every single day. I’m the only mom she’s got. I have to be a lead worth following.


Happy blogging,


Saturday morning Shenanigans

So…this is what JD’s doing this morning.


He chased Dashy around for a bit in this getup; the dog didn’t seem to find the humor in it.

JD then got tackled by his little sister, AH. They wrestled–he let her win–and then he looks up at her (as though he’s dying) and says,
“AH…I aaam your faaather!!” *collapses head and closes eyes*

Happy Saturday!!


Rambo, Two Stones & Olivia Newton John

Somewhat Wordless Wednesday:

With the red headband and her stern coloring method, Rambo immediately came to mind.

Her headband and blazer are Keith Richards but her elbows out like chicken wings is all Mick Jagger.

Once I looked past the booger picking and noticed the 1980’s style headband/ponytail combo, I immediately thought of those old workout videos. Which then led me to singing Olivia Newton John’s “Physical” in my head. And now it’s probably playing in yours, too. You’re welcome.

Happy Wednesday!!


Just a couple of Beach Bums

After coming home from our weekend vacation, I had a couple days off. The time off was unexpected so I hadn’t really planned anything for AH and I to do.

Yesterday, we spent the day lounging around while I caught up on laundry from the weekend and straightened up the house.

We jumped on the trampoline, found pictures in the clouds, AH rode her tricycle and we went to dinner with friends that evening.

Today, with all the To Do’s done, when AH woke up, I decided we would make it a beach day.

It took a while for us to actually get on the road (shocker!). After packing snacks, drinks, towels, sunscreen, mosquito spray, baby powder (to get the sand off), lawn chairs, beach toys and AH’s accessories, we were finally beach bound.


The beaches near to us aren’t white sand and clear blue-green water but I enjoy going just the same. AH loved it from the moment we got there.



She was hilarious. She waved and said hello to every passerby while we were there. And she was skittish about the waves. She would run up to them and hold her arms out but then once the waves started coming towards her, she would run away smiling.



We played in the water, built sand castles, drew in the sand, ate snacks, and played some more.


I love days off when I get to spend time with my kids. Days when there are no plans and no obligations.

AH was sad to leave the beach but it was good to know she had such a good time.

When she woke up from her nap, she hugged me tight and said, “I had fun at the beach, mama.”

Ahh. Made the hour of prep work trying to leave the house totally worth it.

Happy blogging,

Weekend at Yogi’s: Jellystone Park- Day 2

Good Morning, Jellystone, Waller, TX!!

On Sunday, I got to sleep in until a whopping 8:00 in the a.m.!! If you’re familiar with AH’s sleep habits, this is pretty major. And the fact that she slept that late while away from home makes it even more of a newsworthy event.

So, here’s what I wake up to…


Waking up to this view of my wild haired child, how could I not smile?

Once we were up and dressed, we took a ride on the golf cart we rented for the weekend. We drove around and looked at the fishing ponds, the putt putt golf course and all the cabins (we’re thinking of renting one next year).

Then we walked to Yogi’s Kitchen where we had an all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast complete with bacon and orange juice (YUM!). Also, there was a bin filled with books that kids could read when they were done eating. I had to limit AH to three because she tends to get really excited about books (which I love) but can be a bit stingy with them.

Shortly after breakfast, the clouds rolled in and it started pouring down rain. Luckily, rain let up enough for us to go to the craft lodge and keep busy for a while.

My girls, LD and AH, were really excited about going to paint. JD, on the other hand, was convinced that they would only have “baby stuff” in there.


Once he got inside and saw all the different ceramics there were to choose from, he changed his tune from, “Ah, it’s only gonna be baby stuff,” to “Ooo, I want the shark! No, wait, the four wheeler!”

AH immediately laid eyes on a “choo-choo train” and painted it pink, red & blue. The end result was a bit of a tie-dyed paint job but she was proud.

LD picked out a monkey to paint. I think this was, mainly, because it was one of the largest ones. There was a dinosaur that was even bigger but then she remembered she’s not really a fan of dinosaurs and “the monkey is really cute.”


There were also T-shirts you could paint on with fabric pens. I was secretly wishing AH would pick a shirt because the pens were less messy and there were some really cute shirts. I almost got one for me and colored it myself. And then I remembered that I had a three year old with me that was armed with acrylic paint and a glass figurine. I decided I would just supervise her instead but next time I’m so getting a shirt.

By the time we finished our crafts and got back to the campsite, it had stopped raining and the guys were getting everything packed up and ready to go back home. *sigh*

Our weekend with Yogi was coming to a close. The days flew by and now it’s time to go back to the real world.

There are so many things I like about this place. For us, its relatively close to home (about an hour and 15 minute drive). There’s stuff to keep the kids entertained and adults enjoy it, too. Even our pug, Dash, had a good time.

Plus, I love coming back to a place I camped as a kid. I love making some of the same memories with my kids as my parents made with us when we were little.

Sad to leave but looking forward to coming back next year.


Pic-a-nik Baskets and Happy Blogging,


Weekend at Yogi’s: Jellystone Park- Day 1

(Due to my immense state of fatigue, I failed to publish this yesterday.)

It’s 11:45 p.m. on a Saturday and I’m beat.

Today was our first full day at Jellystone Park and it was a blast. Our early riser, AH, was up and at ’em at 7:00 a.m. I put off getting out of bed for another 30 minutes or so until she requested a breakfast of “a cereal bar and chips.” Since we are on vacation, I gave it to her.

Once JD woke up, I headed to what he and AH called “the playground.” This wasn’t a playground. This was a massive obstacle course covered in bright colored foam. Think of a play area at McDonalds and multiply that by five. It. Was. Awesome.


I loved that it was big enough to keep the kids occupied for a while and it was safe enough that I could sit next to it at a picnic table and watch them play without worry they’d get lost or hurt.


Once we were done there, the swim area and the water slides were open. The next six hours our entire gang spent the day swimming, splashing, sliding, soaking up rays and having water gun fights.

AH is serious about eye protection.

The great thing about the swim area is there is something for both my little one and my big kids to do. And the adults can relax and have a good time too.


One side of the pool area was shallow enough for AH to walk around the whole thing and go up and down smaller slides. Unfortunately, she wasn’t too keen on the slides but she still had plenty to keep her busy. The other side was deep enough to swim in, although LD and JD spent the bulk of their time using super soakers to drench innocent bystanders, aka, any of their family members lounging poolside. My dad, The Husband, and my brother-in-law were just as bad as the kids when it came to doling out water gun showers.

There’s also a huge six lane slide that, when you climb to the top, you have a view of almost the entire campground. I love this slide. The ride down is totally worth walking up all the stairs.

Once evening came, we had trouble agreeing on what activities to do so our group chose to divide and conquer. LD and JD went to watch karaoke on the big stage (think little kids singing Taylor Swift and the like- too cute!). My niece went on the hayride that was departing right near our campsite. The Hubs and I took AH to watch A Bee Story at the outdoor theater.


There are rows of logs for seating and a huge screen that the movie is projected on. This is probably one of my favorite things about Jellystone because I watched movies there when I was little and my parents brought us.

After the movie, Karaoke and the hay ride, we all met back at our campers and hung out until we couldn’t hold our eyes open anymore.


Sweet dreams & Happy blogging,

On the road again

Here’s a peek at what the start of a family vacation really looks like.


We’re loaded up and on our way to Jellystone Park, home of Yogi Bear, in Waller, TX.

The Husband (not pictured) and I are exhausted and short tempered because it took an act of congress to get everyone and everything in the car and ready to go.

JD is already watching his movie which means not much will steal his focus the entire ride. This is a good thing because he’s the one who likes to ask, “Are we there yet?”

AH just got caught taking off the lid to her Sonic drink (a BIG no-no) and put up a fight when we tried to take it from her so she wouldn’t spill it. You can tell by the look on her face she’s totally busted.

LD is the texting machine in the back seat. She’s been in the car 2.65 seconds and already sent 3,619 text messages.

In the very back, our family mascot, Dashy, is inside his kennel. And as I type this, he begins to gag.

Jellystone here we come.

Happy blogging,
