>BOTM for April : Please read

>Yes, I know it’s now May and I’m behind on my Blog of The Month selection for the month of April.

Better late than never, right? Drum roll, please…

I selected this month’s featured blog, Mom:101 because I love reading it regularly, it makes me laugh, it’s brilliantly written and because the author, Liz, asked for help.

Her brother’s neice has an undiagnosed illness and is requiring a pretty pricy bone marrow procedure. I am blessed to have all my children be healthy and happy right now but I can relate to that worry in your heart and ache in your gut when your child is unexplainably sick and you don’t know what to do to other than pray.

If you can spare prayers, well wishes, or a monetary donation, PLEASE visit this blog page and do so.

P.S. You can also find Mom:101 on Twitter

Thanks for reading,
